Thursday 2 February 2012

Mane Matters

Mane - be it long or short, straight, silky, curly or wavy - the cardinal rule is to keep them clean.

While you would be tempted to ape the hairstyle of the season, it is imperative that common sense rules your fate!

Mirror would be of good use here. It is your BFF (best friend forever) that will tell you in no nonsensical terms what cut would suit your face and what would not. The best haircut is that which flatters your face by highlighting your best points.

Pull back your hair tightly to reveal your skull structure. The outline of the face would indicate you jaw indentation including your forehead size, the shape and extent of your cheeks and chin.

Round faces have soft, non-angular structures. Long layers beyond the chin level will look good on a round face. Wavy hair is best for people with round faces. The waves take away the roundness of the face. If you have a round face and your hair is wavy, thank your lucky stars and try to retain the natural waviness. Avoid straightening your hair.

Tip: Wind up your hair with a towel after a head bath. This way the curls will last for a long time.

Those with oval faces are a hairstylist's delight for they allow for experimentation. Almost any hairstyle would suit an oval face. But it is a strict no-no for spikes, blunts and crops.

Tip: A simple straight cut would accentuate your features. Best example would be Kareena Kapoor and her straight below shoulder length hairstyle that she has not changed for years.

Oh! Ye of square face - be proud of your strong angular jaw line. 

Think square jaw line, think Angelina Jolie. Think Mr. & Mrs. Smith. She looked hot in that movie and probably she knows that she couldn’t have looked better than that. Remember that was the movie that got her Brad Pitt. The rest is history.

The point is to observe her hairstyle.

Tip: To make your face appealing, it would be wise to style with a side parting with hair longer than your jaw line.

If you have a heart shaped face – bless your soul and go for bangs or fringes and a short crop of hair. Blunt cuts with bangs would look good; but beware that you don’t stop your hair at the nape.

Tip: Go for a style that curls at your jaw, above the nape.

Faces come in different shapes and sizes – round, oval, square jawed, heart shaped – the bottom line is to sport a cut that suits your face, which looks stylish and easy to maintain. Both at the same time and therein lies the trick!!

-Sandya Dev
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